International Maps

Explore the world with MapmyIndia!

MapmyIndia now brings you an option to use your navigator in many other countries.
Simply pick the maps for the country you plan to visit, and we will ship you an SD card that you can slide into your favorite navigator. Switch it on, and enjoy the same navigation experience in the country you want to visit.

MapmyIndia offers maps for the following countries:

State City    
United States+Canada: All Cities are Covered
rupees 2,400
Western Europe: Austria, Belgium & Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland, France (including Monaco), Germany, Ireland, Italy (including Vatican City and San Marino), The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain (including Andorra and Gibraltar), Sweden, Switzerland & Liechtenstein, and United Kingdom.
rupees 3,000
GCC: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait
rupees 6,500
Full Europe without Russia: Austria, Belgium & Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including Monaco), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy (including Vatican City and San Marino), Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including Andorra), Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine
rupees 3,400
Mexico: All Cities are Covered
rupees 2,500
Brazil: All Cities are Covered
rupees 2,500
UAE: All Cities are Covered
rupees 2,600
Egypt: All Cities are Covered
rupees 5,100
Saudi Arabia: All Cities are Covered
rupees 3,500
UAE+Saudi Arabia: All Cities are Covered
rupees 4,500
UAE+Saudi Arabia+Egypt: All Cities are Covered
rupees 6,500
GCC+Egypt: All Cities are Covered
rupees 10,000
Morocco: All Cities are Covered
rupees 4,800
Nigeria: All Cities are Covered
rupees 3,500
South Africa: All Cities are Covered
rupees 4,500
South Africa: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland,
rupees 5,800


Purchasing and install maps:


Q: My device came with an existing SD card. Can I not get maps on that itself?
A: No. MapmyIndia will be giving a new license for the international maps on a separate SD card. You will not be able to copy the maps to another SD card and use it from there.

Q: Do I need to activate the maps after I purchase it?
A: There is no activation required. Simply slip the SD card into your device and enjoy navigation.

Q: Can I buy an upgrade package against these maps?
A: No. The map upgrades offered by MapmyIndia are valid only for Indian maps. MapmyIndia will not support upgrades for international maps

Terms & Conditions

MapmyIndia will ship maps only within India

MapmyIndia reserves the right to announce, modify or withdraw international map availability or price for any country.

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