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Use MapmyIndia Geo APIs / SDK to make your own location-based applications on web and various mobile platforms

Interactive Mapping API

An AJAX-based API to render interactive maps of any place in India. It is collection of classes and functions that can be extended to implement a myriad of functionalities, map controls and overlays.

Map Image API

Used for static map displays, the API returns a map image for a requested point(latitude-longitude in MapmyIndia format), zoom level, image height and image width.

Geocoding API

A http request - xml response API for getting geographical co-ordinates to an address input. With an addrees as input, the result includes best and alternate matches to the address along with corresponding geographical co-ordinates

Reverse Geocoding API

A http request - xml response API for getting location name information for every pair of geographical co-ordinates (latitude/longitude of a location) as input.

Routing API

Given two addresses or locations name, calculates the optimal driving direction route between them. Returns XML containing an easy to follow textual driving direction and a list of points (in MapmyIndia format) that can be used to highlight the route on map.

Mapping SDK

Mapping SDK includes access to a suite of MapmyIndia APIs that help you build your own location applications on a web or a mobile platform. APIs included in this SDK are - Intreactive map API, Map Image API, Geocoding API, Reverse Geocoding API, Routing API, and Local search API

Tracking Service SDK

Tracking Service SDK includes access to a suite of MapmyIndia APIs that help you build your own vehicle or asset tracking applications on a web or a mobile platform. APIs included in this SDK are - Interactive map API & Reverse Geocoding API, with option of getting other APIs from MapmyIndia's Mapping SDK suite.

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