
GET request: This API is used to request the list of devices in an account on Intouch.


  • License_key: the REST API license key allocated to you. This is part of URL structure.
  • State: Optional Parameter. State parameter takes epoch timestamp into consideration and filter out the results. To consider time parameter or not, will depend on state value. If state is 0, then API will show complete device list of the user account. If any specific timestamp is entered under state input, then API will only return the list of those devices which are added post the input timestamp.
  • deviceId: Mapmyindia Device ID
  • deviceCode: IMEI of the device
  • trackingCode: For Device type 3 (Beacon) Tracking code will be generated by MapmyIndia. For other device types IMEI and Tracking code will be the same.
  • name: Name of the Device
  • registrationNumber: Registration Number of the vehicle (If assigned)

Example URL Response:<licence_key>/getDeviceList

{  "devices": [  {  "deviceId": 281,  "name": "Kunal_VT12",  "trackingCode": "356307043990992",  "deviceCode": "356307043990992",  "registrationNumber": "WagonR_7070"  }  ],  "message": "success",  "status": 200