
GET request: This API is used to assign a geofence to a device in an account on Intouch.


  • License_key: the REST API license key allocated to you. This is part of URL structure. -geofenceId: MapmyIndia Geofence ID
  • deviceId : MapmyIndia Device ID. Multiple entries are not allowed.
  • type: This parameter is used to assign the geofence entry/exit alarms .
    0 needs to be used to assign both Entry and Exit alarms;
    1 needs to be used to assign Entry alarms;
    2 needs to be used to assign Exit alarms;
  • message:success or fail
  • status: 200

Example URL Response:<licence_key>/assignGeofence?geofenceId=45472&type=0

{  "message": "success",  "status": 200  }